Core Values

Byrdie’s members believe…

Art is political.  Art is activism.  To be an artist, maker, or craftsperson is to engage in the brave project of reflecting, responding to, and reimagining the world around us.

In furtherance of this awareness, Byrdie’s Pottery is committed to the following core values:

1.Community Responsibility

Byrdie’s members are aware that our studio is situated in a neighborhood and community that has been in existence far longer than we have been operating.  We know that we are in part responsible for the gentrification of this neighborhood, and strive to off-set that impact.

We are devoted to being a good neighbor and will ensure we are doing this by learning who our neighbors are, respecting and supporting their place in the community, and seeking community feedback.  We strive to connect and engage with our neighbors, especially those in need.  When considering how we give back, our first priority is supporting our local community, including sending quarterly donations to local organizations.

2. Racial Equity

Byrdie’s members recognize that the current state of pottery in our country is not racially equitable and agree that we hold a responsibility to rectify that inequity by intentionally making space for, prioritizing the addition of, and supporting makers from historically underrepresented backgrounds.  We specifically seek to reflect New Orleans’s historically majority Black community in our classes, teachers, and membership.

We are committed to continuing to imagine how Byrdie’s can participate in efforts, both macro and micro, tied to racial equity beyond ceramic arts.  We are anti-racist and aim to act in solidarity with movements that promote and support racially marginalized groups. 

3. Environmental Sustainability

Byrdie’s members are aware of the environmental impact of ceramics as an art form that relies on resources mined from the earth, as well as the immense opportunity for a sustainable practice.  We are aware of the threats of climate change and believe that we have a responsibility to make decisions with climate justice in mind.

We are committed to supporting organizations that promote climate justice and locally impacted communities.  We aim to center sustainability and ethically sourced materials in our studio practices (e.g. recycling, reducing water consumption, using energy responsibly, reducing studio waste, and prioritizing locally resourced materials).

4. Financial Integrity

Byrdie’s members understand that we live in a world of inequitable access to economic resources.  This is reflected across our membership as well as in our community at large.

With this awareness, we are committed to offering fair living wages to all people who provide their labor for the benefit of Byrdie’s.  We strive to ensure that we are always balancing our commitment to fair compensation with equitable access to pottery via non-exploitative approaches to pricing in a manner that is reflective of the varying means of members of the New Orleans community.

5. Inclusive Belonging

Byrdie’s members strive to approach the diversity of our New Orleans community with kindness.  We acknowledge that Byrdie’s has historically strived, but not always succeeded at serving all members of our community.  We are devoted to leaving no one behind.

We are committed to adopting transformative justice-informed approaches to conflict resolution.  Likewise, we are in agreement that we will adopt non-carceral approaches to safety.  We also strive to communicate respectfully with one another, and to foster a welcoming environment where we feel safe to seek help from one another when needed.

Written and adopted by the Byrdie’s Board in December of 2024